Enhancing learning through badges, playlist & gamification

Yes, there is a way to validate and recognise learning with digital Open Badge, following design learning experiences into thematic pathways appling game features to motivate learners, this way leads to Let’s play VET platform.

A pro-active learning platform

Funded by an Erasmus + KA2 project, the platform is dedicated to VET providers willing to use digital technology to through playlists, gamification and digital badges. The platform allow rethinking the teaching paradigm though an innovative methodology that will put young VET students at the centre of the learning process in a pro-active way. United by the objective of reinventing learning for the 21st century needs and opportunities, 7 partners are creating i, aiming to improve learning methods, thanks to innovative learning playlists approaches.

The project has been conceived by Uniser soc. coop. (Italy) on the experience acquired while leading the European Badge Alliance , is leaded by CNOS Fap Bologna (Italy), and involve an innovative EdTech company – Badgecraft (Ireland), 2 VET Providers – Salesianos Pamplona (Spain) and  Szalézi Szakgimnázium (Hungary), the Efvet Network.

Who doesn’t like playlist and gaming?

Let’s Play VET is based on the concept of ͞learning playlists͟, meaning a training module constituted by a set of learning experiences that students have to complete to receive a positive evaluation. The learning experiences composing the VET playlists will include innovative assignments; mobility abroad, study visits, seminars, participation in other local community event or initiatives, production of videos of pictures etc.

3 years time (10/2017- 08/2020 ) working together will allow the partnership to create and  pilot a first innovative VET playlist module for graphic designer.

Learning Mobility will be one of the possible Learning Experiences or will deserve a dedicated learning playlist?  This is still an open question but no matter how it’s going to be accessible and piloted with our 30 participants .

The Play VET Vocabolary

Learning Playlists :  a curated group of experiences (XPs) and resources stitched together into a compelling media-rich narrative around a common theme. Playlists lay out a sequence of XPs — or sometimes only one XP — that learners must complete to earn a badge. On the LRNG platform, playlists both introduce youth to new interests and guide them through pathways to deepen existing passions. Playlists provide learners with information about how to share artifacts that demonstrate they’ve completed each XP. LRNG Partner Handbook

Gamification in Education is sometimes described using other terms: gameful thinking, game principles for education, motivation design, engagement design, etc. It is different from game-based learning in that it does not involve students making their own games or playing commercially-made video games. It operates under the assumption that the kind of engagement that gamers experience with games can be translated to an educational context towards the goals of facilitating learning and influencing student behavior. David L, Learning Theories

Digital Open Badges : shareable, digital credential that provides evidence of a substantive learning achievement. Learners earn a badge after completing a playlist. Badges become part of the learner’s lifelong portfolio. Badges may also unlock real-world opportunities for youth, such as showcases of work, job shadowing, or internships. LRNG, Partners handbook

Would you like to participate in this adventure? Let’s visit the online platform


to exchange best practises

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about market evolution, business strategy and services’ quality improvement

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to members' Erasmus + Mobility Application

Imove can be

a formal partner of the applications

Imove is a brand

that members use for marketing purposes

To show a tangible network of partners

and promote their professionality as Mobility Providers

iMove General Assembly

The launch conference of iMove in Bologna was in November 2016, exactly 2 years ago and the network has just met in Como for the 2018 General Assembly. But what is happened so far in the iMove world and how everything started?

A new generation of VET Mobility Programmes

Andrea Lombardi Uniser CEO talked about how VET is nowadays the first choice but also often the only choice for many categories of learners and how Erasmus can be the only way to live a mobility experience.